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CrowBar's PvE


🔩 Server info - Ammo Crafting 🔫

    You dont need any workbench or any other items for ammo crafting all steps on how to do it are down below

    📜 Items info 📜

    Leather Pouch

    Used to take gunpowder from gunpowder crate, it can hold up to 2 kg of gunpowder


    Gunpowder Crate

    There is only 6kg of gunpowder inside every restart
    That is 3 leather pouches per restart
    After you took all 6kg of gunpowder let players know in global chat so they dont go for it
    Make sure you bring few pairs for gloves or bandages


    Full Leather Pouch

    Its used to be combines
    It can hold up to 2 kg of gunpowder
    Once its ruined you cant repair it or use it anymore


    Big/Small Caliber Casing

    Casing used to make .50, .408, 20mm
    It cant be stacked up to 20 and it takes only 3 slots
    Small Caliber Casing can be stacked up to 50
    Big Caliber Casing can be stacked up to 20


    Big/Small Caliber Bullet

    Casing used to make .338 and .338 Lapua
    Small Caliber bullets can be stacked up to 50
    Big Caliber bullets can be stacked up to 20


    📚 Steps 📚

    Find Leather Pouch

    You will need to find leather pouch, you can find it in spawn cities


    Get Gunpowder

    You will need to go to Gunpowder Crate
    It is at Tisy in main building
    After you go down to crate you will need to kill AI
    You can take your leather pouch and look at crate
    Bring few gloves, every time you fill pouch it will ruin your gloves
    You can only take 4 pouches in one restart


    Find bullet casing and bullet

    Combine casing with full leather pouch
    After you got at least one full casing combine it with bullet
    There are several ammo choices so make sure you craft the correct one
    You can combine big caliber casing with big caliber bullet
    You can combine small caliber casing with small caliber bullet
